Sunday, 10 November 2024

AGM November's meeting


Our November meeting was our annual AGM. The committee presented the approved accounts and a report from the chair on the past year’s ups and downs for the club. We were please to see many of our members attend the meeting. The full minutes of the meeting with be produced in due course.

The main issue facing the club was the reduction in membership and the reduced numbers of people who attend the meetings. This means that the club does not raise the funds that it needs to keep the club going but also that it means running outings or having the Christmas socials are not viable because there is not enough participation.

We had a very good discussion and the members attending the meeting were very keen to keep the club going. We discussed whether the time or day of the meetings should be changed. The committee is now tasked with conducting further research to see what viable options are and what the implications of those might be. We had lots of ideas put forward for trying to advertise the club to attract new members. If anyone has ideas or any contacts who they think could help to promote the club then please send them to the clubs. Email address:

As the members had decided we should try and keep the club going the committee were re-elected. There were no new members who wanted to join the committee this year and all the existing members accepted to continue in their roles. You will find details at the end of this newsletter



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