Sunday, 8 December 2013

Our stall at the Higham Hill Park Winter Fayre 7, Dec. 2013

This is Jill and John and the Higham Hill Park Winter Fayre on 7 December, our stall had a successful day with many visitors to the Fayre asking for details about our club.

Higham Hill Park Winter Fayre

On 7 December 2013 Higham Hill Park held its first Winter Fayre and Roots and Shoots had a stall there to promote the club. There were several stalls selling homemade cakes and hot foods, along with mulled wine and real ale.  Live music was played throughout the day, although I needed earplugs for some of the bands, and there was magic and even Santa made an appearance. 

Despite a cold and dull day a steady flow of people attended the Fayre, around thirty people showed a good interest in our club and were given details of our speakers and events. Hopefully, we will see some of these people at our club meetings.

A very big thank to Jill who not only brought along her gazebo, which really helped to keep us warm, but for staying all day and helping to promote the club and to sell some home made craft items. Thank you for the donation to the club Jill.

Also many thanks to Shelia and Tom, thank you so much for the coffee, Sue and Frances, thank you for the use of the bunting and your artistic display work and Bob for your support.  

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