Friday 31 May 2024

Quiz organised by Chris, May's meeting

At our May meeting Guy Deakins was due to give us a talk entitled ‘Schrodingers Garden’ on the topic of how gardens can enhance our mental and physical wellbeing. Unfortunately Guy had to cancel his attendance with only a few hours notice as a member of his family was taken ill. We hope that the family member has now recovered. We will hope to rebook Guy for a future meeting as his talk is something we can all relate to. This is the first time that we have not had a speaker at a meeting. On the rare occasions when a speaker has cancelled previously we have always managed to get a stand in at short notice.

We had a plan B, to use one of the recorded talks that we can use from our membership of the Tendershoots gardening club. Unfortunately we discovered that our projector disables the sound of the talks so we would only have been able to view the pictures. The committee are looking into this to see if we are able to resolve this, should we be in this situation again.

And so we had to turn to plan C. We are very grateful to Chris who organized and facilitated a quiz with both general knowledge and plant related question. We formed groups and had fun discussing our answers. And of course we still had our break for refreshments and chatting. We thank all our members for their patience and to Francis for trying to help us with the technology.