Monday, 22 January 2024

2, February 2024 Primrose Hall Peonies. Zoom

Following the Zoom meeting on Friday 2nd about peonies, there is  a 20% peony discount code from Primrose Hall Peonies if anyone fancied a new variety during the zoom talk on Friday.
The discount code can be found on the private members area of the Tender Shoots website, and is for members of Tender Shoots and affiliated clubs.
If you're not yet a member then you can join up on website.  The various discounts will cover the cost of your membership.
It'd be a good time to buy the expensive hybrid itoh intersectional peonies.  There are 3 main types of peonies.  
1) the common herbaceous peonies, fairly cheap.
2) tree peonies
3) itoh intersectional - A hybrid of the above two, so best of both but a fair bit more expensive

Also, short notice, I know, but (from Indy at Tender Shoots):
The Peony zoom talk recording is available on our website for a limited time.  The 20% peony discount code is valid until the end of Feb, but the first batch of itoh peony stock sold out quickly, as many of our members were eager to make purchases.   Hopefully they will be back in stock soon on the Primrose Hall Peonies website and I will try to keep you informed when I hear more from Alec.

Christmas Social Friday 1, December


Our last meeting was our Christmas Social. Those of us who were able to attend enjoyed a lovely evening of very enjoyable entertainment and a fabulous buffet to get us into the Christmas spirit. Jonathan Stevens entertained us with a mix of Christmas and other songs and several of our members joined in by dancing to the tunes. Unfortunately the weather was very cold (although the hall was warm) and we appreciate that some members were concerned about leaving their homes. It was disappointing that the numbers attending the event were low and the committee will be considering this when planning for next Christmas. 

Whittingham Roots & Shoots Gardening Club AGM Agenda - 3 November 2023

1. Apologies
2. Chair’s Report
3. Minutes of AGM 2022
4. Treasurers’ Report
5. Committee Stands Down
6. Election of Committee
a) Chair
b) Vice Chair
c) Treasurer
d) Membership & Outings Secretary
e) Newsletter Editor
f) Committee Members
7. Proposal to change time of meeting to 7.30pm
8. Discussion on ideas for revitalizing the club
9. Club outings
10. AOB