Sunday, 29 January 2023

December Social 🎅

December was of course our Christmas Social. As usual we had an entertainer, this year the wonderful singer Lloyd Ellery. He dazzled us both with his wide repertoire of songs and his sparkling, sequinned gold jacket! There were many well-known favourites for us to sing along to throughout the evening and Lloyd also amused us with anecdotes from his travels. Midway through the evening there was time for members to enjoy a chat with each other and discuss their Christmas plans as we enjoyed the festive buffet. A big thank you to June for the pretty, seasonal table displays and also to all those who helped on the night to make it such a success.



Saturday, 28 January 2023

AGM November's meeting 💰


The November meeting was the AGM. The Whittingham Roots & Shoots gardening club has now been in existence for over 20 years!  And after 2 very difficult years life has gradually been returning to normal. Those committee members standing for re-election were joined by a new volunteer, who we were delighted to welcome on to the committee. A new Chair was elected following the resignation of the previous one in the summer after he moved away from London. He had made a significant contribution to the success of the club over the past 12 years and is much missed.

Following the AGM, there was the usual popular quiz. The questions proved quite a test of our knowledge of London!