Sunday, 30 January 2022

Best Wishes For 2022

 A big welcome to all our members to the start of our gardening club year. This year we are looking forward to having our usual events that we love so much. We are planning to hold our flower show on Saturday 23 July, so please note this date in your diary as its your support that makes our show a success. We will also be looking to run an outing or two this year. The committee is keen to know how interested members are on an outing so could you please let any committee member have your views. 

Our club meetings, after this month, are all planned for Unity Hall with a superb selection of speakers who will be presenting some most unusual gardening topics, six of the speakers are new to the club. This year’s speakers list is now available for details.     

It will be good for everyone to meet up again next month, the committee looks forward to seeing you all in the coming year. 

The Magical Mike Marandi, December social


It was good to see those members who were able to come along to our Christmas Social. We were treated to a lively evening from Mike Marandi with a great selection of songs from the past to the present. Mike who first performed for us in 2015 was on top form once again with his nimble moves soothing tones.  One of Mike’s most popular songs was his Tom Jones number which was a great success and was very much appreciated by his fan club.   

In addition to our musical entertainment there was a great buffet for all to enjoy. A very big thank you goes out to Nina who purchased all the food for the club and thanks also to all those who helped to set out the buffet and clear away at the end.